Besides having sexy butt cheeks and a voyeuristic interest in peeking into young lovers’ car windows, what exactly makes Mothman stand out as one of the most popular monsters/ demons of our time?
He does have a trendy appearance that fires the imagination, dark cape like wings, burning red eyes and a penchant for flapping around during historical tragic events!
He seems to have the dangerous allure of Batman mixed with the perviness of a demonic creature that likes to peek through your bedroom window and call you up to mutter gibberish into your ear.
Mothman is said to appear whenever there is a Hurricane expected on the shores of S. Carolina but he is nicknamed The Gray Man by locals.

He also made an appearance at the Twin Towers tragedy in New York. Supposedly he was captured on camera as the dark Angel that was seen flying between the towers sometime after the plane crashed into it.
New York resident Steven Moran captured a photograph of a winged entity near the ruins of the World Trade Center shortly after the attacks on September 11th.
According to Moran, “I live in New York and when I heard the twin towers were attacked, I immediately rushed to the scene to take photographs. First of all, I took pictures of medical workers who are providing assistance. Then I took pictures around the site towards the south on Greenwich street. When I got home, I realized there was an object that caught my camera.”

On December 15th 1967 the Silver River Bridge collapsed in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. This event is the most significant case in recent history of Mothman’s repertoire of apocalyptic appearances.

Locals claim to have seen this bizarre creature lurking about the city days before the incident. Verified accounts and multiple stories told by residents have resulted in the Mothman legend. He will be a marker point and a chilling figure in the history of Point Pleasant. Many continue to speculate that the Mothman may have been a harbinger, warning the residents of Point Pleasant about the impending doom of the Silver Bridge collapse.
Hollywood has responded to the allure of the Mothman legacy by spewing out countless bad movies that portray him as a possible hero or villain as your interpretation allows.

My favorite cheesy yet unsettling film is Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere. It almost made me want to believe in the winged demon, well at least it made me want to see what all the hype was about by checking out the book Mothman Prophecies at my local library.
Written by writer and ufologist John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies is a book about the author’s experiences studying the Mothman’s appearance in Point Pleasant in the 1960s. This is how John Keel came up with the theory that the Mothman shows himself to warn people of impending doom. In 2002, a heavily-fictionalized film adaptation of The Mothman Prophecies starring Richard Gere, Laura Linney, and Debra Messing was released.

The town of Pointe Pleasant now has an annual Mothman festival to celebrate its own unique monster.
I guess something pleasant did come after the horrendous bridge disaster after all, sorry, ooh that’s cheesy!!!
But regardless the seductive power of the Mothman hasn’t changed since he first captured our attention back in the 60s . He still is a fascinating figure in our minds.
Most recently, there was a rash of Mothman sightings in the Chicago area in 2017, when 55 people voluntarily came forward and reported seeing a similar creature,”
The descriptions of the monster these people claim to have seen is very similar to what the locals of Point Pleasant have described.
A black or dark gray cryptic like figure with large moth wings, standing 10 ft tall with burning red eyes. No facial features were observed. The people witnessing this creature say they felt alarmed, frightened and unable to look away.
Demon, Angel, or monster the apparition continues to show itself, it obviously wants to be noticed.

The statue of Mothman now stands in Gunn Park just outside the Mothman museum in Point Pleasant West Virginia, formed around 20 years ago by local steel artist Bob Roach.
This statue is now being visited by pilgrims and fans of the Mothman who believe that slapping The Mothman’s cheeks will bring them luck!

I must admit they are an irresistible and invitingly cheeky target!
Some people even stuff money between his, well shall we say, peachy parts!
This statue has become a popular attraction to tourists and visitors who have seen it on TikTok and who are curious about this fabulous figure of urban legend!
I for one must make a sacred pilgrimage and put some cash where it will bring the most luck and give those shapely buttocks a good hard slap!
It’s on my bucket list for sure.
Overall the Mothman is at the very top of my favorite monster list.
Based on originality of legend, cool appearance and scariness he is my number one pick.
Hopefully I will never see his red eyes peeking through my bedroom window, then again…
Also here is a really cool Mothman sighting! (Or not…)