It appears that there is another film in development, and it seems that we are gradually approaching its release.
According to producer Craig Perry, a scene in the upcoming Death Design movie will be set in a tattoo and piercing parlor.
“The take-home value of Final Destination is that it kind of ruins whatever you try to do. Going to the dentist, going to get your haircut. If it works out, there will be a lovely tattoo and piercing parlor sequence in Final Destination 6 that will really, really (get to viewers).“
Perry told CineBinge
The concept of someone dying in a Tattoo Parlor evokes a multitude of macabre scenarios in which the ill-fated individual meets their demise. The presence of numerous needles and sharp objects only adds to the potential for a grim fate.
Amusingly, during the interview, it was disclosed that in Final Destination 5, there was a planned death scene that involved a high colonic enema fatality. Unsurprisingly, the studio rejected this concept and decided to go with the acupuncture needle death scene instead.
A resurgence of interest in the Final Destination franchise is much needed. The prospect of a death scene centered around a tattoo parlor is particularly thrilling.