Prepare to be introduced to Winston Gooze in the upcoming remake of The Toxic Avenger. The film will make its world debut at this year’s Fantastic Fest, which takes place in Austin, Texas from September 21st to the 28th.
The following illustration provides a glimpse of the latest incarnation of Toxie, who has been named Winston Gooze, and is portrayed by Peter Dinklage, known for his role in “Game of Thrones.” Although there is no official release date set, it is anticipated to be revealed shortly after its premiere at Fantastic Fest.
Additionally, take a look at the teaser artwork presented below. In the 1984 film, the protagonist was Melvin Ferd Junko III, a socially awkward janitor who underwent a transformation into a superhero with the aid of toxic waste. It is evident that Blair’s rendition of the story will not be a mere repetition of the original.
The “contemporary reimagining” of Macon Blair’s The Toxic Avenger boasts an all-star cast, including Elijah Wood, Julia Davis, Taylour Paige, Kevin Bacon, Peter Dinklage, and Jacob Tremblay.
The version of The Toxic Avenger that Blair has created recently received an “R” rating due to its violence and gore. The film is geared towards the dedicated fans of the eccentric Troma franchise, and it is expected to meet their expectations.