Candy is a quiet housewife who, overnight, decides to have an affair with her neighbour. But the relationship soon spirals out of control when her lover’s wife is found dead and all suspicion falls on her.
‘Love and Death’ unfortunately fails to bring anything exciting or new to the true crime story genre, let alone the same story Hulu already captivated audiences with ‘Candy’. This time ‘Love and Death’ goes closer to the book John Bloom aka Joe Bob Briggs co-wrote with Jim Atkinson called ‘Evidence Of Love’. When you hear about a new true crime series you expect it to be exciting and not have the same production value of a soap or the sitcom ‘Everyone Loves Raymond’.

The main thing keeping ‘Love and Death’ afloat after its first three episodes are Elizabeth Olsen and Jesse Plemons who both give commanding performances that keep begging them to deliver every line of the script with such raw and emotional power. That the rest of the cast seems highly miscast including Krysten Ritter who just chews up the scenery at every chance she gets. The usually great Lily Rabe even seems flat here and struggles with giving her character more sympathy.

Lesli Linka Glatter, doesn’t seem like a good fit behind the camera here. Her direction doesn’t seem very intuitive with the story being told. This series also seems to fall under the cliches of true crime series where one partner of the affair has all the control while the other one is powerless. While that is already the case with ‘Love and Death’ it just feels like a bloated premise at this point.
Overall Grade: 2/5 Stars